Senin, 03 September 2012


remember the things that i said before, i prepared things for orientation. yeah... that day finally came and thank God it's finally done either.
the activity called MOKA-KU, i'm actually exhausted you know. woke up about 4.30 everyday, and then the security senior from gymnasium is so annoyed and so whatever. i don't even want to discuss it anymore. but guys i will update the photo later, you will amazed by how much the new students are. it numbered 6000. i'm truly impressed.
okay i can finally start my college today, but honestly said, i have no lesson for every monday. so i would like to change a statement. I LOVE MONDAY! hahahha.
okay guys, i'm a college boy and far away from home, all alone here and have nothing to do except KUPU-KUPU (kuliah pulang kuliah pulang). so, i've decided to do some business with my brother by selling TShirt.
not just an ordinary Tshirt, this is 3D MOUNTAIN T-SHIRT.
3D mountain Tshirt is original and imported from USA.
for prize and order you can contact me Fedrik Oktafian - 28C6BABB or by sending a text messages to 082166664533

for the varieties you can visit

here are some sample for you guys to see :

okay guys you can take a look and then leave the order to the number that i leave above.
happy shopping :D

it's pre-order ,guys and it ends on september 9th :) so make a quick order yak! :D